Is Your Organization Committed to the Highest Ethical Standards? is for organizations committed to upholding the highest ethical standards to:

  • Promote transparency, integrity and trust in the workplace 

  • Ensure that unethical behaviours or unlawful practices will NOT be tolerated

  • Align and reinforce organizational culture

  • Ensure honesty with all stakeholders



4 Ways to submit a report: Online Reporting 24/7/365, Toll-Free Intake, Email & Mail 

Step 1  – captures all details reported by employees

Step 2 – We undertake a thorough review and based on our preliminary assessment direct complaints according to your policies and procedures 

Step 3 – We ensure that any urgent matters are escalated to proper channels and immediate action is taken

  • Our initial screening exercise is thorough and helps to provide an accurate assessment of the nature of the issues facing your organization.
  • Our Team works closely with you to customize our reporting to meet your needs.
  • Our commitment is to provide accurate and timely information to ensure that your organization responds and makes the appropriate course corrections to safeguard your employees and the public interest.
  • Our service also provides semi-annual reports to your organization along with recommendations to enhance your ability to address issues and stay current with workplace trends.


Whistle-blowing policies provide an opportunity for employees to report concerns before an issue may get out of control. It is a chance for employees to make employers aware of unethical situations and inappropriate behaviours. Every organization should develop and have in place a formal whistleblowing policy to reflect specific requirements and establish standard guidelines for employee reporting.

At a minimum, a whistleblowing policy should:

  • Ensure strong support from your board, council, and the senior leadership team.
  • Invest in appropriate employee training to ensure strong acceptance and awareness of the organization’s process for reporting concerns or possible wrongdoing.
  • Ensure that employees who report to the hotline are not subject to any reprisals or repercussions.
  • Establish an independent third-party reporting and investigation process.
  • The provides expert policy review services and will assist you in developing an appropriate whistleblower policy and Code of Conduct.

Whether you review your internal controls, establish an employee code of conduct, or set up a whistle-blower policy, we can assist you with services. We have the knowledge, expertise, and guidance to help you develop and implement a whistleblower program.


Today more than ever, training is a critical component of any whistleblower program.

Organizations develop various policies to help guide the performance and behaviour of employees. However, despite the best intentions to secure compliance to the policies, many organizations fall short when it comes to training and education.

At the we  work with you and your staff to roll out a training program customized to your organization’s needs.

Our training helps set the framework that encourages appropriate behaviour and establishes a core set of corporate values. Your whistleblower policy and code of conduct should be the cornerstones of your organization’s culture.

Our training program reinforces your corporate culture and sets the expectations for your employees behaviour.  We emphasize a 4-step ethical foundation; 

       1. Integrity      2. Objectivity      3. Professionalism   4. Confidentiality

Corporate-wide training and education help promote awareness, boost morale, improve relationships and productivity. Maintaining a positive corporate culture also helps to reinforce a positive public image.

Quality people deliver quality services!

INDEPENDENT WORKPLACE INVESTIGATIONS meticulously documents and monitors the progress of all submitted reports.

Conducted with impartiality, fairness, and objectivity, our investigations ensure a rigorous examination of workplace issues.

Irrespective of the motives, an independent workplace investigation serves as a crucial mechanism for organizations to reassure employees of the seriousness with which complaints are addressed.

Our team of independent investigators delivers prompt, unbiased, and comprehensive professional services, meticulously documenting their discoveries. This enables your organization to address issues with clarity and efficiency.

By maintaining an arm’s length distance from the organization, we alleviate employee concerns regarding biases or past influences that could compromise the investigation. Demonstrating a genuine commitment to addressing their concerns encourages employees to actively participate in the investigative process.

Our seasoned workplace investigators bring extensive experience, having conducted numerous investigations across diverse workplace settings. Upholding neutrality and confidentiality, they approach each case with sensitivity, respecting individual privacy rights within both unionized and non-unionized environments.

Employers receive comprehensive investigation reports, inclusive of:

  • Detailed description of reported issues
  • Explanation of the investigation methodology
  • Evidence-based findings
  • Alignment with relevant employer policies
  • Investigators’ conclusions
Statistics indicate that employees generally prefer an independent investigator over an internal investigator or a Human Resources Representative, fostering greater receptivity to the investigative process.


Periodic confidential employee surveys can help to support an employee engagement program. The provides a vehicle to conduct anonymous employee surveys. Having a clear assessment of the state of your organization from time-to-time can help with the development of new policies and programs.

Research shows that employees are more comfortable providing candid feedback on a range of sensitive topics, and confidential, anonymous surveys remove any hesitancy.

Also available are area-specific employee surveys to gain insights into parts of the organization that may benefit from such a process. If you need to map your surveys and link your results to focused areas of the organization, we can accommodate your needs.

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